Wednesday, January 18, 2017


This morning as my Dachshund, Sadie, and I were going out the door, or should I say as she was dragging me out the door for her morning walk, I was telling her, "Stop pulling me, please, I am trying to lock the door".  I really think she was supposed to have been a sled dog the way she pulls on her leash.  There have been numerous times I have thought she was going to pull me down.  She is a 19#, precious, loving, barking and my sweet companion, Dachshund, who most days wants "her way" about anything and everything.

We got to the elevator of our building and she was still pulling and wanting to go faster, faster and I finally "locked the leash" so she could only go so far.  Her collar is very loose around her neck for this very reason as I don't want to choke her when she is in one of her "do it my way" moods! On our ride down to the first floor I looked down and even though I had her leash locked and she had only a tiny bit of "pull" room, she was still pulling, pulling, pulling. As the elevator door opened, I immediately unlocked the leash and off she went, only to come to a dead stop when she realized it was raining! At that moment, our roles were reversed and I was the one pulling her, trying to get her onto the grass! 

As our game of tug-of-war continued, I heard the Lord as He spoke to my heart, "You are just like Sadie". Immediately, because I have learned to hear and know His still small voice, I said, "Okay, Daddy, you have my attention, what do you want to tell me?". His words resounded so loudly in my heart I almost fell over. He began to show me that like Sadie, I pull and tug against HIS Plan and HIS will for my  life.  The only difference is He doesn't have a collar and leash on me. He has given me a free will, a leash of sorts that has no lock button but still keeps me safe when I feel His tug in my heart!  Often, I choose "my plan" only to realize it's always so much harder to accomplish the plan when I do it "my way".  HIS plan is always much easier, much better and always has a much better outcome.  It is in those times we allow the enemy to put a leash on us and he lets us get just so far into living totally for God then BAM the enemy locks the leash and we choke, we moan, we groan and we strive to just survive. The enemy's leash is not for our safety, nor for our good. Quite the opposite! He wants us to stay bound to him, to our old way of thinking, our old religious ways, the I've always done it this way thoughts, I'm nothing, I'm fat, I'm this, I'm not that and on and on. LIES! LIES! LIES! We become "leash bound" to the enemy and we somehow begin feeling like he is never going to turn us loose.

I'm thankful for God's leash of love, leash of goodness, leash of I'm always with you. I'm learning more and more each day about the goodness of God and that the plan He has for me is for good and not for evil. Jeremiah 29:11-14 are some of my favorite verses. It reads, "For I know the plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.  Then you will call upon Me, and you will come and pray to Me, and I will hear and heed you. Then you will seek Me, inquire for and require Me [as a vital necessity] and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart."

Today I'm asking myself the question, "Whose leash am I on?".  Not really too hard for me to answer at this moment, but I am asking Daddy God to help me in every part my daily life to remember that His Way is the way of truth and that when I can see no way through or out of a situation, I know that He will not let me go too far without feeling and sensing His leash of goodness, direction, and love for my life.

Now, let me ask you this......whose leash are you on?

May God bless you today as you learn to hear His voice, seek His face and follow His plan for your life.

You are loved!

Grammy Sue