We do live in such an amazing country. It truly is the land of the free and the home of the brave. But even being free and brave on September 11, 2001 did not keep us from being attacked by an enemy. I remember exactly where I was (as do all of you do I am quite sure) and what I was doing that morning. I was sitting at my counter in the bathroom putting on my makeup, preparing for a full day of massaging. I was listening to KSBJ, a Christian radio station here in the Houston area, when suddenly one of the DJ's screamed, "Pray, Christians, Pray....the United States is being attacked!". At that same moment, my sister Melba, with whom I was living at the time, came barreling around the corner calling my name, "Suzie, come here quick"! I didn't know whether to run, jump, scream or just sit dumbfounded by all that my ears were hearing. Of course, I got up and went into Melba's bedroom where her TV was screaming about all that had and was continuing to take place in New York, The Pentagon and in other parts of the country. We both cried as we sat and watched the destruction taking place right before our eyes.
My best friend who was at work in Baytown called us to make sure we were okay and to tell us that her husband, who was working at one of the plants, was okay as well. We didn't know "what to do", except pray and cry as was the rest of our beautiful United States of America was doing at that moment. And then, I had to decide whether to go on to work in Deer Park, (which is very close to the oil and gas plants, chemical plants, etc.). I stepped out of the panic of the moment and decided to do what I did every day at that time, go to work and those coming to see me that day whose stress levels had soared at just that very moment. I had to pull up fresh and anew all the scriptures I had in my heart and really, I mean really, believe them. The one that says, "I will never leave you or forsake you" came to my mind immediately. I remember thinking, "Oh, really, God?". Where were you this morning. He spoke so gently to my spirit that morning and He reminded me of His words again just a while ago, "I am still right here, none of this has taken me by surprise. Go do what I have called you to do and use the Comforter who resides inside of you to bring MY COMFORT to MY PEOPLE today". So with a heavy heart and a not wanting to, I came to Deer Park. Oh the tears of fear and panic that were shared with me that day. With each client I would receive another report on the death toll, where the planes had hit and what had happened since that morning. Oh the pain I saw on every client's face. There wasn't much talking going on in my office, but there was lots of praying, hugging and thanking God that He is still on the throne, NO MATTER WHAT. As the day finished up, I knew I would head home to a sister who had been home alone all day watching every minute of the broadcast. And, she had.
We hugged each other a little more tightly that day, and the days after. We had planned a trip to Las Vegas to celebrate my 50th birthday that next week, which we decided without question that we would save for a later date. Nothing but loving those folk who lost their lives on 9/11/12, the folk who gave their time to help in all the chaos, and all the other things we may never know went on, as well as lifting those left behind up in prayer, nothing, nothing else seemed important.
Now 11, years later, lives have changed. Forever. Memories remain forever sweet of the love those now gone had given. The respect and love we have for those who were at the sites helping in all the rubble, forever there. Forget? Never. The wound may not be bleeding, but the scars will remain forever, both mentally and physically. And yet, somehow, we have marched forward, and much of the time, looking over our shoulder and wondering, what will happen next. And in the wonderment of tomorrow, I can rejoice, because no matter what, I know that my REDEEMER lives and is ever watching over me and those left behind on that unforgettable day.
Let us NEVER forget.
Let us NEVER forget God's loving hand that is extended to us daily.
Let us NEVER forget to tell those we love that we really LOVE them.
Let us NEVER forget that we have the Promise of seeing those now gone, again one day. Then and only then will we forget the pain, suffering and tears.
So, my friends, until that day, Let us NEVER forget.