Monday, September 10, 2012

Just Cause

Bear with me as I start my blogging experience. I don't expect too many readers, but if you do read, thanks and I hope my antics, escapades and words from the Lord bless you in some way. I have heard it said that it is easier to ask forgiveness than permission. So at the onset I will say, sorry if I offend you with anything I write. I will try to encourage you each time I write. Remember, I said "try"!

I once did a newsletter titled "Gabbin With Gibby" where I informed my massage clients of things that were scheduled for the month and special events. They seemed to enjoy the newsletter. That was then, this is now. I asked myself this question "Why I am doing this Gabbin With Grammy blog"? For selfish reasons? Probably. Just cause?(Sounds like an answer my 4 year old granddaughter would give me. "Just cause, Grammy") Absolutely. So, as Nike says, let's just do it!

The past few weeks have been extremely stressful for many of my friends and loved ones. Too much dying, too much hurt, too much unwillingness to forgive, some days, just breathing is too much. Then to cap the week off my 70 year old sister fell from the top of some stairs where she was cleaning the banister and one of the many things she learned is that sometimes free falling isn't so free! Fortunately, she is doing well. Sore. Bruised. Stapled together. But alive to tell the tale. Thank you Lord for taking care of my sister.

Stresses, falls, job losses, marriage problems, deaths, cancer diagnosis, heart attacks, hips breaking, the list is endless. How do we manage to deal with these things? The only way I know is having the assurance that the Lord is our shepherd, we shall not want. He also was bruised. He was wounded. He bore our burdens. By His stripes we are healed. Andwhen He left earth, He said He would not leave us comfortless, that He was sending us the Comforter, the Holy Spirit. This past few weeks He has proven himself true, right, and forever loving and the Comforter, He has been with me in every situation. That's the only way I can even move my fingers to type this. If you don't know this Jesus of whom I speak, please consider asking Him to help you, to be Lord of your life. Just try it and if it doesn't work.....well, if you try it, He will be on your side and it will work. Maybe not like YOU want it to, but He will always be with you. Just give HIM a try....why? Like my Addison said, "Just cause, Grammy, just cause".

You are loved, you are special, you are precious to me and especially to Him.

Well, there it is. My first rambling blog. Wonder who might read this? Just cause it catches their eye?


  1. Good start! Just keep blogging. They will come.

  2. Thanks. Just posted my second one. Let me know what you think.
